Personal Training is Dead... again

Looks like the personal training is dead in the water. We've been replaced with videos of home-based bodyweight workouts on youtube. Can't say I'm surprised as the majority of personal trainers are little more than rent-a-friends with the ability to count to 10. If this is you, good riddance, you aren't going to make it through this hiatus because you've provided very little value to your clients and did nothing to advance the public's perception of what a trainer should be.

To be honest, I don't even like being identified as a personal trainer as it's tinged with mediocrity. Yet, I love what I do. I think anyone who has worked with me will agree that I do all that I can to become better at my craft, in order to deliver the best results possible.

My problem is that if the best thing we can offer our clients right now, in their pursuit toward optimizing health, is a bodyweight workout we have definitely lost our way. Or, perhaps it's just me. Maybe I need to change directions. Maybe I've outgrown the framework of the current industry.

There is no downtime in the process of accumulating health. Why do gym closures so strongly affect the majority from continuing to provide value to their clients lives? Because as an industry, we have literally fit ourselves into a BOX. We haven't established ourselves as being able to provide more than a workout routine and nutrition advice, most of it cookie-cutter. This is the time to work with someone knowledgeable enough to help you with more than just how to squat, count calories, or push supplements. Yes, they are all helpful within a gym setting, but where does that leave us now? Plenty of our client continue to have issues that impact sleep, cause rampant inflammation, mitochondrial dysfunction, hypertension, gastrointestinal distress, hyperglycemia, adrenal dysregulation, etc. during this quarantine. And GUESS WHAT, the worst affected are those with the aforementioned issues! This would be the time to work on those issues, but we're not because the majority of us don't know how. And don't give me any bullshit about how "you're not a doctor" because the healthcare industry is worse.

At the end of the day, if you aren't fully invested in what you preach and have no desire to tirelessly learn more, please get the fuck out because I have work to do and you're only making me look bad

something to think about during your quarantine netflix binge...

Since the world is in a health crisis, here is something to thinking about during your quarantine netflix binge...

In epidemiological studies, TV watching has a huge negative effect on health:

- Adults age fifty to seventy-one who watch the most television each day have a 61 percent higher risk of dying than those who watch the least, even after adjustment for amount of exercise. The most vigorous athletes, who exercise more than an hour per day, still have a 47 percent higher risk of dying with greater television viewing.*

- An Australian study found that every hour spent watching TV reduces life expectancy by twenty-two minutes.**

*Matthews, C. E. et al., “Amount of time spent in sedentary behaviors and cause-specific mortality in US adults,” The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 95, no. 2 (February 2012): 437–45, A hat tip to Gretchen Reynolds, “Don’t just sit there,” The New York Times, April 28, 2012,…/29/sunday-review/stand-up-for-fitness.html, and Dan Pardi, “Buy 1, get 2 free!” Dan’s Plan, blog, May 4, 2012,

** Veerman, J. L. et al., “Television viewing time and reduced life expectancy: A life table analysis,” British Journal of Sports Medicine (August 15, 2011), A hat tip to Gretchen Reynolds, “Don’t just sit there,” The New York Times, April 28, 2012,…/29/sunday-review/stand-up-for-fitness.html, and Dan Pardi, “Buy 1, get 2 free!” Dan’s Plan, blog, May 4, 2012,

Developing a System is better than Striving for a Goal


The prevailing wisdom says that the best way to properly transform your body, and health — whether it be through weight loss, muscle gain or improving overall quality of life — is to set specific, actionable goals. This notion of goal setting, while good intentioned, falls short with the majority of people. For example, according to the U.S. News & World Report, the failure rate for New Year’s Resolutions is said to be around 80%, with most people losing their resolve by mid-February. From this we can surmise that goal setting on its own is an ineffective strategy for achieving what we want and even worse for producing long lasting results. 

Goals have the ability to steer us toward short-term results. Yet, because they are inherently self-fulfilling, once they are reached, much of their power quickly dwindles. Most of what was necessarily done to create change — nutritional awareness, monitoring calories, increasing exercise, etc. — to achieve the goal is disregarded or lost. Solidifying any newfound change driven by passion is bound to fail if you’re not thoroughly invested in the process.

The fundamental problem arises as goal-oriented people are seeking to become someone they aren’t. Acting in a way that suppresses the current version of yourself — e.g. eliminating cookies and cakes therefore putting you in a calorie deficit — will allow you to arrive at a weight loss goal, but without a system put into place, willpower can only last so long. By employing measures that restrict them from who they are, without improving upon who they wish to be, in effort to deliver them to a result derived from sacrifice, the inevitable result is that they fall back to the person they were at the start of the process. Success hangs on their ability to overcome the challenges that brought them to their current impasse. As Scott Adams put it in How to Fail Big; “goal-oriented people exist in a state of continuous presuccess failure at best, and permanent failure at worst if things don’t work out.”

In effect, if your goal is to lose 30lbs, you would spend every waking moment until you reach your goal focused on numbers instead of processes, thinking as though you were a failure if things didn’t progress as planned because you are an overweight person who wants to be thin. Until you usher in a system that allows you to think and make choices like the thin version of yourself would make you will inevitably be fighting against progress and exist within a constant state of failure. Because willpower is an easily fatiguable muscle, without a systems-oriented mindset, it can only last so long before delaying gratification takes its toll, and you succumb to failure. 

Goals are a complete-it-and-be-done situation. A specific objective you either achieve or don’t sometime in the future. Being goal-oriented is short-sided if long-term change is the intention. Its approach is driven by sacrifice, deprivation, and blindness to the overt desires of the self you wish to reinvent. Alternatively, a system is something you do everyday to increase your odds of fulfillment throughout the life of the system. A system is something you do on a regular basis with a reasonable expectation that following it will provide you with the body and/or quality of life you desire, ultimately becoming the “after” version of yourself with the implementation of the process.

Simply put, if you’re waiting to achieve it someday in the future it’s a goal. If you’re doing it everyday, it’s a system. 

Losing weight is a goal; eating right is a system. Gaining muscle is a goal; training with purpose and intensity is a system. Improving any specific blood marker is a goal; “eating whole unprocessed foods, getting outside in the sun, moving a lot, sleeping like you’re on vacation, and surrounding yourself with loving relationships” is a health promoting system espoused by researcher and author Robb Wolf. All systems lead to desirable results, but all goals do not provide desirable systems, hence their unsustainability. Goals are about the results you want to achieve, whereas systems are about the processes that lead to those results. 

To achieve a goal, you only need to exhibit a momentary change, but what happens in the long run? Failure. Remission. Relapse. As an illustration, take this example from author James Clear, in his book Atomic Habits: “Imagine you have a messy room and you set a goal to clean it. If you summon the energy to tidy up, then you will have a clean room — for now. But if you maintain the same sloppy pack-rat habits that led to a messy room in the first place, soon you’ll be looking at a new pile of clutter and hoping for another burst of motivation.” Fundamentally, you’re left with the same outcome over and over again because you failed to change the system behind it. 

Results that last have little to do with goals and everything to do with systems. In the above example, you can see that the symptom was treated without addressing the cause. Much like an overweight person with a weight loss goal who has emotional issues with food — dieting will help them achieve a healthy weight, yet doesn’t address the real issue. Their achievement only changes their life momentarily because they were focused on a goal instead of fixing their system. We don’t need better results, we need better systems. Solving problems at the results level is temporary, instead, in order to create permanent change in peoples lives, we need to start solving the problem at a systems level because with the wrong approach to change people aren’t going to rise to their level of goals, they fall to their level of systems. 

None of this is to say that having goals doesn’t matter. It is important to recognize that the power of goals is derived from their ability to provide direction in our journey to become who we want, and live the life we want. This begs the question if you completely ignored your goals and solely focused on the systems your future-self used, could you still succeed in becoming the person you want to be? For example, if you were a coach and completely ignored the goal of winning, and instead focused on improving execution of what your team does in practice each day, would you still get results? Absolutely, because practicing a system to the point of excellence is akin to mastery. The goal of any sport is to finish first or with the highest score. Establishing a system provides a way to out maneuver, out strategize, out power, and out play your opponents. No one enters the arena wanting to lose, but because we are what we consistently do, plenty of teams approach competition with a flawed or suboptimal system. Singularly having a goal of winning, without a system to get there isn’t enough. Those are the coaches who get fired mid-season for staring at the scoreboard wondering why their teams score isn’t higher.

Nick Saban, the head coach of the University of Alabama football team, has what he calls The Process. He encourages players by saying; “Don’t think about winning a Championship. Think about what you need to do in this drill, on this play, in this moment.” The Process is about focusing on the task at hand. The ability to apply your system to what is directly in front of you. By existing in the present, not the distant future we can commit ourselves to excelling in the habits that will take us toward the person we wish to become. 

So, are goals useless? No, but they should be identified as having limited utility. Goals are good for setting direction, but systems are best for making long-term progress, and sustaining the health or life goal you have captured. Without a system — founded on the principles of becoming healthy, lean, and strong — goals can restrict our overall happiness. The implicit assumption behind any goal is this; “once I reach my goal, then I will be happy.” The problem with this goals-first mentality is that you’re continually putting happiness off until the next milestone. 

There once was a great archery master named Awa Kenzo who did not focus on hitting the center of the target with his students, instead he focused on teaching technical mastery of the bow. He spent almost no time instructing his students how to think in a way that would deliver the results they desired — hitting the center of the target. You can fire randomly at a target and hit a bullseye eventually, much like you can follow any dietary program and achieve results, but in a world based on vanity no one wants to hit their target and walk away, they want to keep their target, and the happiness that comes along with it. Fulfilling results come from enacting a system that allows for the target to be continuously hit, with minimal effort, consistently, until a new target is decided upon. While the goal of archery is to hit a bullseye, Kenzo pressed the fact that “the hits on the target are only the outward proof and confirmation of the adherence and trust in the process.” He wanted his students to get so lost in the process that the result wouldn’t be the focus. He wanted them to give up their notions of what archery was supposed to look like. He was demanding that they be present, not focused on their past failures or future outcomes. The process, or systems-first approach, that allows one to become a proficient archer — much like what it takes to become the version of healthy, lean, and strong that you desire — is realized through consistent and purposeful action. 

Body transformation is similar to archery in that you are looking to hit a certain target. You can try so hard on a particular variable that you end up overshooting your target, manifesting more issues and frustrations. While all targets are achievable, the energy you’re spending aiming the arrow is energy not spent developing your system to consistently deliver the best technique. If you’re too conscious of the technical components of shooting, you wont be relaxed enough to deliver the desired result. As marksman say these days, “slow is smooth, smooth is fast.” Because we are what we repeatedly do, a practice of excellence put into action is the surest way to maximize our trajectory and deliver us to the body, health, and life we want. 

A systems-first approach can improve the trajectory by providing us with a structure to follow. If you are not who you want to be it is because the error of your ways has led you astray from the person you want to become. Generally this due to an accumulation of errors. Over time, small decisions can accumulate into large consequences. Think of it as the 1% rule, whereby repeating a 1% error day after day by replicating poor decisions, tiny mistakes and rationalizing little excuses all compound into toxic results. It is this accumulation of too many missteps that eventually lead to larger problems down the road. 

To make this more relevant, in his book Why We Get Fat, author Gary Taubes states that over consuming roughly 1% on your calorie intake over a 20 year period will equate to a 20lb increase in weight. “Since a pound of fat is roughly equal to 3500 calories, this means you accumulate roughly 7000 calories worth of fat every year. Divide that 7000 by 365 and you get the number of calories of fat you stored each day and never burned — roughly 20 calories.” On average, we consume around 2700 calories a day, so matching energy in to energy out, with the 20 calorie mark equates back or our 1% rule. {reference (}

Making a choice that is 1% better or worse seems insignificant in the moment, but over the span of a lifetime, or the course of a journey toward your goal, small choices determine the difference between who you are and who you could be. Therefore, success is the product of implementing a good system, not a singular focus on a distant goal. 

With a systems-first approach, trajectory can be fully applied and set toward gaining the healthful life we all desire. Let’s use a Global Positioning System (GPS) as an analogy for a systems-fist approach to get what we want. It is a literal manifestation of a system designed to get you where you want to be. By allowing the goal to set the direction, we can trust the system to align the course.

  • A GPS gets you to your destination faster and with less stress. Not knowing where we are going and without help we can get lost quickly. Trusting the system can alleviate the stress of trying to navigate on your own.

  • A GPS provides constant feedback. By constantly assessing your progress, it will keep you aware of where you need to turn and how far you are from your desired destination. 

  • A GPS foresees upcoming obstacles. It has the ability to reroute you around roadblocks and anything else that will deter you from arriving at your destination. 

  • A GPS will help you get back on track if you happen to deviate from the path. We all have missteps in our journey, but any wrong turn can be righted by rerouting and correcting course.

Whether you want to lose weight, get stronger, or save money, it pays to incorporate  systems-first approach. Without it, you may find yourself lost, confused, and failing over and over. 

goals set the direction, systems get you there

goals are impermanent, systems are permanent 

goals work on sacrifice, systems work on fulfillment

goals say I want to look fit, systems allow you to be the fit person

goals are about the results you want, systems are about the processes that lead to the results

goals provide a picture of who you want to be, systems allow you to become that person

Quarantine & Chill

Quarantine & Chill

With social-distancing in full swing, it may seem like options for improving your health are down to Quarantine and Chill, or participating in the scourge of bodyweight workouts that are woefully ineffective at promoting long-term results. Instead let's look at some options that can be completed within the isolation of your own home!

The Benefits Of Dry Sauna Use


The use of dry saunas for athletic recovery isn’t necessarily something we’d call trendy. While plenty of people will duck into saunas casually in their own gyms, many view it as a vague relaxation measure, and others even look at it as something of an old-fashioned thing to do. Other forms of physical recovery are trendier these days; for instance, NBA players and teams have lately done a great deal to popularize the idea of cryotherapy (which, to be fair, has benefits beyond being popular).

With this said though, there do still tend to be plenty of people in the world of athletics, both within the public eye and otherwise, who believe in the benefits of dry saunas.

English football teams, for instance, have been associated with sauna usage fairly frequently over the years. Liverpool may come to mind first in this regard. The Reds are one of the most prominent teams in Europe, and currently appear to be on a fast track toward a Champions League title. In fact, the UK’s free betting services, which have all sorts of odds listings for an event this big, are almost universally picking Liverpool to win the Champions League this June. If those picks and odds come to fruition it will be at least in part because of the team’s exceptional fitness, which in turn appears to be somewhat due to recovery efforts. Liverpool’s players have at times been noted for using saunas, and the city itself is actually known for a few spas with, shall we say, more advanced sauna options (like infrared). Meanwhile, it’s not just the possible Champions League winners who are relevant here. Other football stars like Jeremy Vard y and Harry Kane (the latter of whom will be facing off against Liverpool in the Champions League final) are among those who were known to favor saunas during England’s World Cup run last summer.

Meanwhile, sauna use also remains fairly popular outside of the public eye, among ordinary people in ordinary places. You need only look around at public gyms wherever you might live to discover that many if not most of them actually have saunas of one kind or another included within their facilities. It could be a local YMCA, a major chain like Planet Fitness or Lifetime Fitness, or even a gym associated with a hotel or resort - saunas are typically in place at all of the above, at least a significant portion of the time. It’s impossible for us to gather statistics as to how many people use them or when, the way we know that Harry Kane used a sauna during the World Cup. But it also stands to reason that these gyms and the organizations behind them wouldn’t keep including saunas in their plans if in fact they didn’t get quite a lot of use. By all indications, this is still a very popular activity during or after workouts.

Given these examples, from the local YMCA to the prospective Champions League winners' locker room, it’s safe to say people are still using dry saunas (as well as other kinds). But does this mean we should actually be using them more? What are the actual benefits all of these people are getting from their time in these wellness-oriented hot boxes?

As it turns out, for those who may never have looked into these questions, dry saunas carry numerous benefits, which we’ll briefly summarize here, as per Livestrong:

  • Circulation - The heat of dry saunas raises the heart rate, which in turn increases blood flow, even in those who might typically have poorer circulation.

  • Metabolism - Dry saunas speed up metabolism, which means weight loss efforts can be more effective.

  • Flexibility - Blood vessels opening up and blood flow increasing can lead to invigorated feelings and improved flexibility.

  • Relaxation - There’s a strong component of mental relaxation associated with time spent in a sauna as well.

Considering these benefits - as well as some possible others that are less scientifically based (such as releasing toxins through sweat or assisting muscle growth) - it could be that all those people still interested in using dry saunas are onto something after all. These saunas can still be very useful tools for workout recovery and general health, and should be taken advantage of.

Personal Training is Dead

I am ashamed to tell people what I do. And here’s why...

I once worked with a guy who tied a mini-band around a clients ankles and made him do Power Cleans while directing him to jump onto a box. Maybe he was into some kinky Franz Bosch training, but you cannot convince me this was relatively safe or even sound training. The bad part was this guy had a Master’s Degree in Exercise Physiology from a great school. (◔_◔)

This guy had 4+ years of education about exercise physiology, strength training, biomechanics, etc., and the best thing he could come up with can basically be classified as circus training. Degrees and certifications aside, it seems ridiculous to me why people go to college to learn how to become Personal Trainers or Strength Coaches to begin with. The concept of learning from a professor, who isn’t in a gym or weight room producing results that inevitably you are going to want for your clients but instead reading out of a book is completely backwards. Don’t get me wrong, I fully embrace education, but from reputable sources. For example, if you wanted to be the best carpenter in the world, would you rather go to carpentry school or apprentice with the top carpenters in the world? Given you had a choice to hire one or the other to craft the woodwork in your new house, who do you hire? My money would be on the guy who learned from the best people in the industry, not from a book or an online certification.


When I was in college, the last week or so we were having a discussion about what we were grateful for and I remember one girl say she was “grateful that she wouldn’t have to read anymore.” The fuck?!? If you aren’t reading like they are burning libraries down, then you don’t deserve to be in this industry. I don’t care what school you went to, you don’t know enough to stop learning. But let me be honest, after I got my Personal Training certification, I thought I was Einstein. I knew every-fucking-thing and was happy to hand out unsolicited advice to any and all gym goers. However, once the basic advice I learned stopped working and came across someone who knew the game better than me, I quickly begin to tumble down the Dunning-Kruger curve into a realization that I really know nothing. It is a necessary and humbling experience that all great coaches have had.

Perhaps that is why, no matter what gym you step into it seems like it is a revolving door for Personal Trainers. Every 6 months or so you have a whole new crew, using the same basic level of knowledge as the last. The ones that left, probably did so because they were facing challenges that Instagram didn’t prepare them for and thus had to further educate themselves. I think turnover is so high because knowledge is so low. Not everyone wants to put in extra work, however those that deliberately put in the time for continuing education and additional research make the best coaches. To be successful in this industry you have to have a desire to want to improve yourself everyday.

Another reason turnover is so high is that the pay is so low due to the highly competitive nature of the Personal Training/Gym business. Companies want to undercut the gym across the street so they slight the trainers pay so much that you need 40 clients to pay the bills which takes up all the time you have training, and leaves none for education. Yes, every certification has its requirements of continuing education but it’s all sponsored bullshit from the certifying body and besides, if you think that only completing the minimum amount of education to retain your cert is enough, you don’t deserve to be in this industry. Humblebrag, I did 64 hours of continuing education and read 57 books last year on everything from business, to sleep, strength training, anatomy, brain health, hormone imbalance, biomechanics, nutrition, to Alzheimer’s, all in hopes of expanding my base of knowledge on how to improve the health and performance of my clients.


Unfortunately, companies do not value knowledgeable employees or good training, because they would have to pay them more, so again turnover is favorable. They devalue the profession by taking an obscene % of the training rate charged to the client. You are lucky to get half of what they charge the client for an hour of training. And some companies take as as much as 85% of the revenue coming from the sales of training, which is asinine. Once trainer’s build a client base and realize they can basically double their income by working for themselves, their out. Personally I think it behooves you — the corporation or the client — to pay more money so that I don’t have to run around all across the city to make money to eat. Instead, pay me what I’m worth, then I will have enough time on my hands to invest into learning more about how to help you optimally achieve your goal or, even better, how to improve myself as a coach. It makes more sense for me to charge $100 an hour and have 10 clients, with 30 hours to invest into education, than to charge $10 an hour and have 40 clients with no time to invest in education. Anyone who has studied the body substantially will tell you that there is a LOT going on in there (and no one is the same, just check out the book Biochemical Individuality). If you have 40 people, you can bet your ass that you will never be able to optimally impact the individual health or even handle a client base that high.

Speaking of not being stretched too thin, if you’re walking around with a cup of coffee or another stimulant drink in your hand during each session, what do you think that tells your client? Their workout bores you to sleep or that you aren’t fully prepared to give them your full attention. It gives off a terrible vibe. Maybe, if you went to sleep earlier or didn’t need to have 8 clients back-to-back to pay the bills, you wouldn’t need a stimulant and you’d have a free hand to actually write down the workout so that you can track the progress of your client, or better yet be awake enough to provide safe and sound training for your client.

Not too long ago, I was working out next to the Personal Training manager at a large gym chain who was “training” his client. He had this poor girl, who was obviously new to lifting, doing Split Squats at near maximal weight with poor technique. Needless to say it didn’t end well. She fell over and busted her ass and the trainer made it seem like it was her fault. Perhaps, if this guy wasn’t sitting on the nearest bench observing with a fucking Bang in his hand, he could have seen the faults in her execution and adjusted accordingly. The scary thing is this guy is a manager and suppose to set the example for the fleet of trainers he is in charge of.


Here’s another thing, if you’re in charge of a Personal Training department, I would expect you to look like you workout. I don’t think that is asking too much. You don’t need to be jacked or ripped or flawless, just look like you practice what you preach. I say all that to say this… I once worked with a guy who was a Metabolic Specialist. He ran a national program that sought to improve the efficiency of people’s fat-burning through a “specialized” heart-rate training. He was obese. I feel that this is akin to taking advice from a overweight dietician. The program obviously had some flaws!

Now, I’m not perfect, but I feel that physical appearance should play a part in being the face of a company wide program about weight-loss. Powerlifting and Strongman aside, your physique should have some semblance of what your clients desire because after all the majority of Personal Training clients are simply looking to lose weight to look better naked. This just speaks to the fact that people really don’t know what they are doing, whether it be metabolic assessments, nutrition or even lifting, which leads me into my next gripe...

Last time I checked, no one cares how much you can Lat Pull, but that didn’t stop this one trainer from trying to impress a potential client by attempting to pull the whole weight stack. Obviously, it was too heavy, but fortunately for him he lifts like he’s having an epileptic fit. Even with him swinging, rocking, slamming and bouncing the weight, he only gets a few half-reps but does manage to make a complete fool of himself. I don’t understand how, as a trainer who is supposed to teach proper movement, this is acceptable. behavior.

It’s shit like that that has made me jaded. Terrible training is everywhere and people refuse to listen to common sense or learn simple biomechanics. Case in point; I had a trainer tell me that the best way to “isolate the hamstring” (like it’s one fucking muscle) is by doing an undulating single-leg half squat with a weight in the contralateral hand placed in the midline of the body. Last time, I checked, the Hamstrings either a primary knee flexor or assist in hip extension. Now you can argue for the Hamstrings being worked with the aforementioned movement, but by no means are they working hard as if you were to use an exercise that mirrors knee flexion or hip extension — a Leg Curl or an RDL, respectively. The funny part is, the trainer had the client holding onto the Leg Curl machine for balance while she was “isolating the hamstring” with this ridiculous movement.

Speaking of Hamstrings, I knew a trainer who had a 4-year degree in Kinesiology, along with multiple certifications on top of an internship who couldn’t tell me the muscles that make up the Hamstrings. I’m not an anatomy wiz by any stretch of the imagination, but I know that medially to laterally the muscles consist of Semimembranosus, Semitendinosus, and the Biceps Femoris (Long head and Short head). And I know their actions. It is a major muscle group, so the lack of understanding is just baffling.


To go further, if you aren’t well versed in the basic anatomy of a major muscle group, what makes you think you have any business helping people break up scar tissue or “release” a tight muscle? Because you bought a Hypervolt?!? Scar tissue probably wasn’t even on your radar before you saw the advertisement. Without a fundamental understanding of anatomy, using a tool such as a Hypervolt or a Theragun, is at best a shotgun approach to a more complicated problem. Your power to use this tool has successfully educated you beyond your intellect. Your clients deserve a more informed approach and so does the industry.

Another thing plaguing the industry is professional athletes thinking they know how to train, when in fact they make the worst trainers. Due to their freakish genetics, pretty much anything they have been instructed to do in the weightroom, whether considered good or bad training, has worked for them. So when they retire from their sport or are forced out from injury, some of them revert to Personal Training because they are so “familiar” with the gym. I’ve worked with two NFL guys. One swore up and down that Speed Ladders were the key to his on-field success, which led me to write this: Ladder Drills DO NOT Increase Sport Performance. To my dismay, he refused to respond after I sent him the article. And as for the other guy, he had the bright idea to do Power Cleans… with chains on the bar. It wasn’t long before he realized why no one else was doing it when he smacked himself in the face. It may be surprising to hear but there are very few novel things in the world of strength training.

It’s not just the people within the industry, but the clients as well. The majority of people who hire Personal Trainers do not want to work hard. They just want to be babysat and talk. These are the worst clients because they not only get zero results but it’s your fault and their attitude toward training will drag you down with them. How can I, as a coach, improve my craft if all a client wants to do is sit and talk about the Bachelor? I got into this industry because I think the human body is fucking fascinating. I read and learn constantly so that I can get better at what I do. I am not a conversationalist, I am a coach. I haven’t watched TV in months, so I give zero shits about a reality show where you can vicariously live out your fantasies of being whisked away. You know what my fantasy is? Someone who wants to listen, work hard and get results. That is really the only way I am able to get better, but maybe I’m selfish.

I’ve gone on far too long so I want to finish by saying that I no longer consider myself a Personal Trainer. That is not what I am because I am better. I have seen too much fuckery in this industry to allow myself to be associated with the halfass attempts, low paying jobs, lack of effort, disrespect and ignorance. I am henceforth known as a Health and Performance Coach. I am facilitator, not a motivator. I didn’t get into this industry to tell you you can do it, I got into this industry to show you how. I’m not a cheerleader, nor do I desire to be one. I am a coach. It’s simple; do the work, get results.

7 Counterintuitive Tips to get Healthy, Lean & Strong



Cardio is easy, that is why it is everyone’s go to. However, your body doesn’t care how easily you can jog away from something. Ease of use is not a priority for the body’s growth or energy expenditure. If you move easy, your body will take it easy and progress will be slow. The body is built through adaptation and stress applied from external sources, as such it prioritizes what it needs. If you jog, it sees no need to use energy to build muscle and thus your lack of effort and hyper caloric intake leads you to gain fat instead of burn fat. The body priorities what it needs. If you do easy workouts it will not grow and you will not lose weight. Instead, prioritize higher intensity bouts of cardio like sprint intervals (e.g., 10 seconds all out followed by 50 seconds recovery pace). Not only will you get better results and body composition, but you will do it in a fraction of the time. For even better results, combined your sprint intervals with moderately-heavy weight training sessions with only 30-60 seconds rest in between sets.



The conventional advice given to those trying to lose weight is to simply limit calories. Initially, this will produce desirable weight-loss, however progress will quickly stall because during calorie restricted diet a significant percentage of the weight lost comes form muscle mass. Muscle is important to hold onto as it is metabolically expensive, requiring as much as 40% of your body’s resting metabolism. Blindly restricting all calories will only serve to hinder further weight-loss progress. To combat the negative effect of losing muscle mass, it is important to increase you caloric intake from protein to maintain a greater amount of muscle mass. To optimize weight-loss by preserving muscle mass just remember there is an inverse relationship between calories and protein, whereby decreasing calories will result in an increase need for protein. Aim for .08 to 1.2 grams of protein per pound of body weight.

For more information, check out the article: Eat Less & Move More is Bad Advice



Working out comes with a host of negative consequences — higher blood pressure, muscular weakness due to muscle fiber breakdown, a compromised hormonal profile, fatigue, etc. It’s the recovery phase in between the workouts where your body adapts, heals and as a result allows you to become leaner and stronger. Prioritizing rest and recovery is a key to optimizing progress, regardless of your goal. Remember, it is not what you can do in the gym, but what you can recover from. One thing to keep in mind, is that the more fit you get the longer it takes to recover due to you being able to push yourself further and harder than before.



Good thing you are not what you eat because if you’re like most people you’d be fast, cheap and easy!  Seriously though, the health of the gut determines what nutrients are absorbed and it is directly linked to the health of the total organism. It is often said that we are what we eat, but it is more accurate to say we are what we absorb. A strong gut barrier, diverse microbiome and sufficient levels of stomach acid is necessary to breakdown food, assimilate their nutrients and keep bad things from entering the body. When either of these things go awry, problems other than micronutrient (vitamins and minerals) deficiencies can arise. For example, if the integrity of the gut is compromised it can lead to joint pain and inflammation throughout the body, a microbial imbalance can lead to mood disorders or cause intense cravings, and insufficient stomach acid production can lead to heartburn or unwanted bacteria entering our body. 

To help the processes of the gut heal:

      • Try an Elimination Diet. Remove suspect foods from your diet for a period of 2-3 weeks to see if symptoms subside.

      • Take a Digestive Enzyme with meals to improve the digestive fire and assist with the breakdown of food.

      • Supplement with L-Glutamine (20-30 grams, taken in 5-10 gram doses throughout the day) to mend the intestinal lining. 

      • Improve your microbiome with a Multi-Strain Probiotic.

For more on joint inflammation check out: Correlation between Food and Joint Pain



What comes out of your mouth is as important as what you decide to put in it. Choose your words as carefully as your food. Both can have negative consequences.



It is no secret that large agricultural companies spray their crops and add a host of chemicals so that they will be able to increase their product yield. What is less known is the damage a lifetime intake of pesticide laden food can have. In addition to possible endocrine disruption, nerve disorders, reproductive issues, and birth defects it can cause us to gain unsightly fat! This is largely due to the overall toxic load we are up against. If the toxic burden is too much for our body to get rid of or exposure becomes chronic our body simply stores toxins in fat cells to be dealt with later. An easy way to reduce your exposure to pesticides is to utilize the Environmental Working Group’s (EWG) Dirty Dozen list when selecting produce. Each year the EWG selects the most sprayed foods and compile them for you. If you pick all organic versions of the following fruits and vegetables you can reduce your exposure to chemicals and pesticides by as much as 74%.

  1. Strawberries

  2. Spinach

  3. Nectarines

  4. Apples

  5. Grapes

  6. Peaches

  7. Cherries

  8. Pears

  9. Tomatoes

  10. Celery

  11. Potatoes

  12. Bell Peppers

For more information check out: Will Eating Organic for 2 Weeks Make a Difference?



The way we see the world shapes our personality which develops our personal reality. A personal reality cultivated by an unconscious process of negativity can never lead to a positive life because thinking the same negative thoughts lead to making the same choices. Making the same choices leads to practicing the same behaviors. Practicing the same behaviors lead to creating the same experiences. Creating the same experiences lead to producing the same emotions that lead to the same negative thoughts. Nothing can change unless you break the cycle. If you exist in the same negative mindset, think the same negative thoughts, experience the same negative emotions, how can you expect to positively change your life? As long as you view the world the same way, you are bound to create the same life. To truly change, you have to shift the way you view the world and believe you are destined for a better life. 

For more tips purchase the ebook

21 Tips to Become Healthier, Leaner & Stronger

21 Tips to Be Healthier, Leaner & Stronger EBOOK

The default in nature is health, so why are you fat, sick and broken? Probably because you wear your constant stress, long hours in the office, sleep deprivation and ability to eat like a garbage disposal as a badge of honor! If this is you, you need this book! It contains 21 tips for you to improve your life for the better. Become healthier, leaner and stronger today!

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