Stop Jogging...


Since the world is shutdown and very few people have access to weights, it seems like the go-to right now is jogging. While this is better than nothing, just be aware it will not give you the adonis body that you've been promised by fitness magazines. While long bouts of cardio may improve your endurance (however, not necessarily best for health — but that a story for another time), they don't do much for your waistline. One of the problems that many people find with jogging is an inability to shed fat. The reason is simple: distance running a.k.a. chronic cardio create a heightened state of metabolic efficiency. When you engage in aerobic exercise, your body wants to work as efficiently as possible while producing the greatest amount of physical output. Example, during long cardio session with increasing volume and frequency, your body will attempt to shed unnecessary, excess weight and store usable energy it can draw on during these sessions. Muscle mass is more or less unnecessary when you run because of its added weight and the additional energy it takes to be cooled. Alternatively, do you know what's a great source of stored, usable energy for cardio? BODY FAT. So when you perform increasingly longer bouts of cardio, your body gets rid of its muscle and stores fat to prepare for each bout of cardio, while also down-regulating anabolic hormones such as testosterone and growth hormone, as these are paradoxical to the demands being placed on your body. The classic example is to look at the comparison between a sprinter and a marathoner... which would you rather look like?

Most everyone exercises to look better naked, with health training someone behind. For a more effective workout — burning fat, building muscle — in a fraction of the time, substitute sprints for longer cardio bouts. No only will you improve your health, but will look better too!